Welcome to Spanish class with Señor Schmidt. On this page you will find the links you need to do your vocab and notes for each chapter, a class calendar, and helpful links. If you need to contact me, do so by email at jason.schmidt@lmusd.org.
To get to your homework click here.
To access your online textbook, click here.
Notes and Vocabulary
Tweets by @SrSchmidtsClass
¡Adivina Quién!
Accent Practice
Ejercicio 1 (with audio)
Listening Practice with Videos
2. Select a video category to watch from beginning topics to advanced topics.
( Try to pick a topic related to the vocabulary that you are trying to learn)
3. Select a video to watch by clicking on the red text link
on the right hand side of the page in the M4V download section.
4. Try to write down everything that the person says. It doesn’t matter if you
know what the words mean, just try to write them down as best as you can.
5. Once you think you have it, then open up the script in the section
just above where you got the video link. It should be the same name of the
person you just watched, but in black text. Edit everything that you just wrote down.
Pay attention to any spelling mistakes. Each script has an English translation
to help you if you are stuck.
6. After correcting what you wrote down, watch the video again and follow along
with what you wrote. Pay attention to the mistakes that you made
and be sure to hear what the video actually said.
Mi vida loca